[Elsword] : แจ้งปิดปรับปรุงเซิฟเวอร์ วันพุธที่ 4 พฤศจิกายน 2563


[Elsword] : แจ้งปิดปรับปรุงเซิฟเวอร์ วันพุธที่ 4 พฤศจิกายน 2563

วันที่ 4 พฤศจิกายน 2563

ทีมงานขอแจ้งการปิดปรับปรุงเซิร์ฟเวอร์ใน :
วันที่ 4 พฤศจิกายน 2563  ตั้งแต่เวลา 15.00 – 19.00 น.
ปิดระบบเติมเงิน :
วันที่ 4 พฤศจิกายน 2563  ตั้งแต่เวลา 15.00 – 19.00 น.


  1. [Ara]

    • [Yama Raja]
      แก้ไข Passive ของ Resurrection ที่สามารถลบดีบัฟ Mad Paradox’s Time Sickness ได้

  2. [Add]

    • [Lunatic Psyker]
      แก้ไขการที่ Skill damage เพิ่มขึ้น 2 เท่าเมื่อ Killing Blow (2) trait เปิดใช้งานแก่ Nasod Armor Mode – Full Burst skill

  3. [Mad Paradox]
    แก้ปัญหาเกมปิดตัวเองเมื่อใช้ Skill Event Horizon บางสถานการณ์

  4. [Lu/Ciel]
    แก้ไขการแสดงผลรอบ ๆ ตัวละคร Lu เมื่อใช้ [Force] Hyper Acceleration หลังจากปิดเอฟเฟกต์อาวุธที่ Option

  5. [Rose]

    • [Minerva]
      แก้ไขการที่ Grenade ลูกสุดท้ายไม่โดนตัวศัตรูแม้จะใช้ Grenade ทุกลูกในขณะที่อยู่ระหว่าง High Action Speed

  6. [Laby]

    • [Eternity Winner]
      แก้ไข Damage สูงผิดปกติเมื่อโจมตีศัตรูด้วย Hyperactive skill, ‘Great Birth’ หลาย ๆ ครั้ง

No Character Mod Change Before After
1   El Search Party Collection – Synergy 3rd Path – When using common active force skill, cast Twisted Space Distortion. (Cooldown: 30 sec.) (Dungeon) El Search Party Collection – Synergy certain effect has changed.

3rd Path – When using common active force skill, cast Broken Seal of Time. (Cooldown: 30 sec.) (Dungeon)

[Broken Seal of Time]
Give [Time Traveler] buff to everyone in your party within range including yourself.
Duration: 20 sec.

Time Traveler
– Record current HP
– If a player is defeated during the duration of the skill, they are resurrected with the same status as the recorded point in time.
– This ability has top priority over other resurrection skills and does not stack with Seal of Time skill.
– Dungeon only records 50% of max HP.
– If resurrected with the [Time Traveler] buff, they will have the [Time Sickness] debuff for 90 sec.

2 Lord Knight   Counter Patience Level 4

Physical Attack Power Increase: 8%
Duration: 30 sec. (Max 5 stacks)

Physical Attack Power Increase: 2%
Duration: 30 sec. (Max 5 stacks)

Level 4

Physical Attack Power Increase: 13%
Duration: 30 sec. (Max 3 stacks)

Physical Attack Power Increase: 1.3%
Duration: 30 sec. (Max 3 stacks)

3 Lord Knight   Imperial Crusher [Dungeon]
Scratch (Physical): 653% Multi Hit
Scratch (Physical): 223% Multi Hit
Traits have changed.
Useful -> Haste
Reversed -> Heavy
Scratch (Physical): 653% Multi Hit[PvP]
Scratch (Physical): 178% Multi Hit
4 Rune Slayer   Awakened Will: Rune Slayer [Dungeon]
Maximize Increase: 13%
[Awakened Will: Rune Slayer]
MP Recovery per sec.: 30
All Resistance Increase: 200
Duration: 10 sec.[PvP]
Maximize Increase: 13%

[Awakened Will: Rune Slayer]
MP Recovery per sec.: 3
All Resistance Increase: 100
Duration: 10 sec.

Maximize Increase: 13%
[Awakened Will: Rune Slayer]
MP Recovery per sec.: 30
All Resistance Increase: 200
Duration: 10 sec.[PvP]
Maximize Increase: 13%

[Awakened Will: Rune Slayer]
MP Recovery per sec.: 2
All Resistance Increase: 100
Duration: 5 sec.

5 Rune Master   New Heights [Dungeon]
Additional Rune created after successful Rune command attack (Disappears after 5 hits)
– Damage (Magical): 480%
– Hit Enemy MP Burn: -2
– Duration: 15 sec.
Using Rune skills 3 times will decrease all skill cooldown
– Special Active Skill Cooldown Decrease: 14 sec.
– Cooldown: 10 sec.[PvP]
Additional Rune created after successful Rune command attack (Disappears after 5 hits)
– Damage (Magical): 192%
– Hit Enemy MP Burn: -2
– Duration: 15 sec.

Using Rune skills 4 times will decrease all skill cooldown
– Special Active Skill Cooldown Decrease: 5 sec.
– Cooldown: 10 sec.

Additional Rune created after successful Rune command attack (Disappears after 3 hits)
– Damage (Magical): 1050%
– Hit Enemy MP Burn: -2
– Duration: 15 sec.
Using Rune skills 3 times will decrease all skill cooldown
– Special Active Skill Cooldown Decrease: 14 sec.
– Cooldown: 10 sec.[PvP]
Additional Rune created after successful Rune command attack (Disappears after 3 hits)
– Damage (Magical): 105%
– Hit Enemy MP Burn: -2
– Duration: 15 sec.

Using Rune skills 4 times will decrease all skill cooldown
– Special Active Skill Cooldown Decrease: 5 sec.
– Cooldown: 10 sec.

6 High Magician   Meteor Shower   Skill form has changed.

Skill MP cost adjusted.

7 Elemental Master   Lightning Shower   Skill form has changed.

Skill MP cost adjusted.

Traits have changed.
Killing Blow (1) -> Heavy

8 Elemental Master   Archmage MP consumed for summoning additional projectiles from Meteor Shower and Lightning Shower will be decreased. Also increase the number of additional projectiles that can be summoned.
Increase the duration of Elemental Body and increase the movement speed. Decrease teleport MP cost during skill duration.
[Meteor Shower, Lightning Shower]
MP Cost Decrease: 30%
Increase in number of Summoned Projectiles: 50%[Elemental Body Enhancement]
Movement Speed Increase: 20%

Required MP Reduction: 50%

[Meteor Shower, Lightning Shower]
MP Cost Decrease: 30%
Increase in number of Summoned Projectiles: 50%

[Elemental Body Enhancement]
Movement Speed Increase: 20%

Required MP Reduction: 50%

MP cost for summoning additional projectiles from Meteor Shower will be decreased and Lightning Shower damage will be increased.
Increase the movement speed during Elemental Body and decrease the MP cost of Teleport.
[Meteor Shower]
MP Cost per sec. Decrease: 10%[Lightning Shower]
Damage Increase: 15%

[Elemental Body Enhancement]
Movement Speed Increase: 20%
Teleport Required MP Reduction: 50%

[Meteor Shower]
MP Cost per sec. Decrease: 4%

[Lightning Shower]
Damage Increase: 6%

[Elemental Body Enhancement]
Movement Speed Increase: 20%
Teleport Required MP Reduction: 50%

9 Aether Sage O [Mod] Lightning Shower   Can start moving faster after casting skill.
10 Aether Sage   Double Casting [Dungeon]
Double Casting MP Cost: 50% of Normal Skill
Double Casting Damage: 70% of Normal Skill
First Skill Cooldown Decrease: 10%
Double Casting MP Cost: 50% of Normal Skill
Double Casting Damage: 70% of Normal Skill
First Skill Cooldown Decrease: 10%
Double Casting MP Cost: 50% of Normal Skill
Double Casting Damage: 115% of Normal Skill
First Skill Cooldown Decrease: 10%
Double Casting MP Cost: 50% of Normal Skill
Double Casting Damage: 70% of Normal Skill
First Skill Cooldown Decrease: 10%
11 Sniping Ranger   Guided Arrow   Arrow duration decreased in PvP.
12 Daybreaker O [Mod] Wind Blast   Arrow duration decreased in PvP.
13 Trapping Ranger   Humming Wind   Last hit knocks down enemy.
14 Eve   Mana Conversion [Dungeon]
HP Consumption: 15% of total HP
MP Gain: 50
HP Consumption: 10% of total HP
MP Gain: 17
HP Consumption: 15% of total HP
MP Gain: 50
HP Consumption: 15% of total HP
MP Gain: 10
15 Code: Nemesis   Atomic Shield [Dungeon]
Energy Field
– Radius: 600
– Allies Damage Reduction: 40%
– Duration: 10 sec.
Energy Field
– Radius: 600
– Allies Damage Reduction: 20%
– Duration: 10 sec.
Energy Field
– Radius: 600
– Allies Damage Reduction: 25%
– Duration: 10 sec.
Energy Field
– Radius: 600
– Allies Damage Reduction: 10%
– Duration: 10 sec.
16 Code: Electra   Particle Ray [Dungeon]
Beam Attack (Magical): 830% Multi Hit
Amplification Field – Beam Attack (Magical): 996% Multi Hit
Spectrum Field – Beam Attack (Magical): 325% Multi Hit
Reactive Field – Multiple Electric Spears (Magical): 413% Multi Hit
Fusion Field – Multiple Electric Spears (Magical): 214% Multi Hit
Beam Attack (Magical): 299% Multi Hit
Amplification Field – Beam Attack (Magical): 359% Multi Hit
Spectrum Field – Beam Attack (Magical): 117% Multi Hit
Reactive Field – Multiple Electric Spears (Magical): 149% Multi Hit
Fusion Field – Multiple Electric Spears (Magical): 77% Multi Hit
Beam Attack (Magical): 830% Multi Hit
Amplification Field – Beam Attack (Magical): 996% Multi Hit
Spectrum Field – Beam Attack (Magical): 325% Multi Hit
Reactive Field – Multiple Electric Spears (Magical): 413% Multi Hit
Fusion Field – Multiple Electric Spears (Magical): 214% Multi Hit
Beam Attack (Magical): 299% Multi Hit
Amplification Field – Beam Attack (Magical): 359% Multi Hit
Spectrum Field – Beam Attack (Magical): 117% Multi Hit
Reactive Field – Multiple Electric Spears (Magical): 95% Multi Hit
Fusion Field – Multiple Electric Spears (Magical): 50% Multi Hit
17 Code: Battle Seraph   Energetic Heart   Time stop duration will be decreased by 41%.
18 Code: Battle Seraph   Electronic Move   Skill MP cost adjusted.
19 Code: Sariel O [Mod] Electronic Move [Dungeon]
Photon (Magical): 314% ×3 (Max 4 times)
Photon (Magical): 125% ×3 (Max 4 times)
Duration of photon trails being able to hit stun decreased.
Stun duration decreased.
Skill MP cost adjusted.
Photon (Magical): 314% ×3 (Max 4 times)

Photon (Magical): 125% ×3 (Max 2 times)

20 Code: Sariel O [Mod] Particle Ray [Dungeon]
Beam Attack (Magical): 830% Multi Hit
Amplification Field – Beam Attack (Magical): 996% Multi Hit
Spectrum Field – Beam Attack (Magical): 325% Multi Hit
Reactive Field – Multiple Electric Spears (Magical): 413% Multi Hit
Fusion Field – Multiple Electric Spears (Magical): 214% Multi Hit
Beam Attack (Magical): 299% Multi Hit
Amplification Field – Beam Attack (Magical): 359% Multi Hit
Spectrum Field – Beam Attack (Magical): 117% Multi Hit
Reactive Field – Multiple Electric Spears (Magical): 149% Multi Hit
Fusion Field – Multiple Electric Spears (Magical): 77% Multi Hit
Beam Attack (Magical): 830% Multi Hit
Amplification Field – Beam Attack (Magical): 996% Multi Hit
Spectrum Field – Beam Attack (Magical): 325% Multi Hit
Reactive Field – Multiple Electric Spears (Magical): 413% Multi Hit
Fusion Field – Multiple Electric Spears (Magical): 214% Multi Hit
Beam Attack (Magical): 299% Multi Hit
Amplification Field – Beam Attack (Magical): 359% Multi Hit
Spectrum Field – Beam Attack (Magical): 117% Multi Hit
Reactive Field – Multiple Electric Spears (Magical): 95% Multi Hit
Fusion Field – Multiple Electric Spears (Magical): 50% Multi Hit
21 Shelling Guardian   Chaos Cannon Damage received during Chaos Cannon: 80% Damage received during Chaos Cannon: 50%
22 Blazing Heart   Seed of Fire Level 4

Burning Flower
– All Skill Cooldown decrease by 10% (Hyperactive/Extreme Heavenly Love Excluded)
– Magical Attack Power Increase: 20%
– 5 MP Recovery per sec.
– Duration: 20 sec.

Burning Flower
– All Skill Cooldown decrease by 10% (Hyperactive/Extreme Heavenly Love Excluded)
– Magical Attack Power Increase: 20%
– 1 MP Recovery per sec.
– Duration: 20 sec.

Level 4

Burning Flower
– All Skill Cooldown decrease by 10% (Hyperactive/Extreme Heavenly Love Excluded)
– Magical Attack Power Increase: 20%
– 5 MP Recovery per sec.
– Duration: 20 sec.

Burning Flower
– All Skill Cooldown decrease by 10% (Hyperactive/Extreme Heavenly Love Excluded)
– Magical Attack Power Increase: 8%
– 1 MP Recovery per sec.
– Duration: 10 sec.

23 Flame Lord   Inferno Release the power of fire upon awakening.
Upon awakening, certain buffs will apply immediately for a certain duration depending on the number of Awakening Beads used. Buffs that are already applied will have increased duration.
– Applied Buff: Red Lotus Sword (Flame Sword), Flame Protection (Flame Shield), Soul Ignition (Soul Ignition)
Buff Duration Increase per Awakening Bead: 5 sec.[PvP]
Buff Duration Increase per Awakening Bead: 3 sec.
Release the power of fire upon awakening.
Upon awakening, certain buffs will apply immediately for a certain duration. Buffs that are already applied will have increased duration.
– Applied Buff: Red Lotus Sword (Flame Sword), Flame Protection (Flame Shield), Soul Ignition (Soul Ignition)
Buff Duration: 20 sec.[PvP]
Buff Duration: 3 sec.
24 Flame Lord   Heart of Fire Attacking enemies with debuffs will increase speed. When HP is low, burning status effects will recover HP instead.

Burning Spirit
– Increase Movement Speed, Action Speed, Attack Power when attacking enemies under Burning, High Heat, and Fire Stigma (1 sec. Cooldown).

Master of Fire
– Getting Burning or Dark Flame status effect when HP is lower than a certain amount will Recover HP instead.

[Burning Spirit]
– Movement Speed/Action Speed Increase: 2% (Max 5 stacks)
– Attack Power Increase: 4% (Max 5 stacks)
– Recover 100% of damage from burns when HP is lower than 50%.

[Burning Spirit]
– Movement Speed/Action Speed Increase: 2% (Max 5 stacks)
– Attack Power Increase: 4% (Max 5 stacks)
– Recover 100% of damage from burns when HP is lower than 50%.

Burning Spirit cooldown removed.
Burning Spirit duration is increased and will be marked in the tooltip.
Attacking enemies with debuffs will increase speed and attack power. When HP is low, burning status effects will recover HP instead.Burning Spirit
– Increase Movement Speed, Action Speed, Attack Power when attacking enemies under Burning, High Heat, and Fire Stigma

Master of Fire
– Getting Burning or Dark Flame status effect when HP is lower than a certain amount will Recover HP instead.

[Burning Spirit]
– Movement Speed/Action Speed Increase: 2% (Max 5 stacks)
– Attack Power Increase: 4% (Max 5 stacks)
– Recover 100% of damage from burns when HP is lower than 50%.
– Duration: 25 sec.

[Burning Spirit]
– Movement Speed/Action Speed Increase: 2% (Max 5 stacks)
– Attack Power Increase: 2% (Max 5 stacks)
– Recover 100% of damage from burns when HP is lower than 50%.
– Duration: 5 sec.

25 Lunatic Psyker   EMP Shock [Dungeon]
Electromagnetic Pulse (Magical): 3987%
EMP Storm
– MP Drain: -56
– Added Skill Cooldown on Enemies 10.4 sec.
(Cannot exceed Max Cooldown)
– Enemies within the radius of 700~1200 will receive 50% of the full effect
Electromagnetic Pulse (Magical): 721%
EMP Storm
– MP Drain: -56
– Added Skill Cooldown on Enemies 10.4 sec.
(Cannot exceed Max Cooldown)
– Enemies within the radius of 700~1200 will receive 50% of the full effect
Electromagnetic Pulse (Magical): 3987%
EMP Storm
– MP Drain: -20
– Added Skill Cooldown on Enemies 5 sec.
(Cannot exceed Max Cooldown)
– Enemies within the radius of 700~1200 will receive 50% of the full effect
Electromagnetic Pulse (Magical): 721%
EMP Storm
– MP Drain: -20
– Added Skill Cooldown on Enemies 5 sec.
(Cannot exceed Max Cooldown)
– Enemies within the radius of 700~1200 will receive 50% of the full effect
26 Doom Bringer O [Mod] EMP Shock [Dungeon]
Electromagnetic Pulse (Magical): 4784%
EMP Wave
– Duration: 5 sec.
– MP Drain: -56
– Added Skill Cooldown on Enemies 10.4 sec.
(Cannot exceed Max Cooldown)
Electromagnetic Pulse (Magical): 865%
EMP Wave
– Duration: 5 sec.
– MP Drain: -56
– Added Skill Cooldown on Enemies 10.4 sec.
(Cannot exceed Max Cooldown)
Electromagnetic Pulse (Magical): 4784%
EMP Wave
– Duration: 5 sec.
– MP Drain: -20
– Added Skill Cooldown on Enemies 5 sec.
(Cannot exceed Max Cooldown)
Electromagnetic Pulse (Magical): 865%
EMP Wave
– Duration: 5 sec.
– MP Drain: -20
– Added Skill Cooldown on Enemies 5 sec.
(Cannot exceed Max Cooldown)
27 Time Tracer   Seal of Time [Dungeon]
Cooldown Decrease: 24 sec.
Duration: 20 sec.
Cooldown Decrease: 12 sec.
Duration: 10 sec.
Cooldown Decrease: 12 sec.
Duration: 20 sec.
Cooldown Decrease: 6 sec.
Duration: 10 sec.
28 Lu/Ciel   Aura of Punishment   Buff duration decreased.
29 Dreadlord   Summon Darkness   Summoned demon attack speed increased significantly in dungeons.
30 Catastrophe O [Mod] Supreme Punishment [Dungeon]
[Lesser Demon Wave]
– Demon Crash (Physical): 40% Multi Hit
– Demon Explosion (Physical): 75%Multi Hit
[Lesser Demon Wave]
– Demon Crash (Physical): 13% Multi Hit
– Demon Explosion (Physical): 24%Multi Hit
[Lesser Demon Wave]
– Demon Crash (Physical): 53% Multi Hit
– Demon Explosion (Physical): 95%Multi Hit
[Lesser Demon Wave]
– Demon Crash (Physical): 12% Multi Hit
– Demon Explosion (Physical): 24%Multi Hit
31 Catastrophe O [Mod] Summon Darkness   Summoned demon attack speed increased significantly in dungeons.
32 Royal Guard   Eschaton   Can start moving faster after casting skill on the ground.
Skill casting speed will be affected by action speed.
Time stop duration will be decreased by 41%.
33 Noblesse   Rain of Chaos [Dungeon]
Fire Magic Spear (Magical): 2367%
Magic Spear Descend (Magical): 338% Multi Hit
Fire Magic Spear (Magical): 721%
Magic Spear Descend (Magical): 83% Multi Hit
Skill casting speed will be affected by action speed.
Time stop duration will be decreased by 23%.
Traits have changed.
Evil -> Heavy[Dungeon]
Fire Magic Spear (Magical): 2367%
Magic Spear Descend (Magical): 338% Multi Hit

Fire Magic Spear (Magical): 433%
Magic Spear Descend (Magical): 40% Multi Hit

34 Innocent O [Mod] Eschaton   Can start moving faster after casting skill on the ground.
Skill casting speed will be affected by action speed.
Time stop duration will be decreased by 41%.
35 Innocent O [Mod] Shadow Bolt   Camera zoom out range decreased when casting.
Can start moving faster after casting skill.
Demon spear will form and fall faster.
Time stop duration will be decreased by 30%.
36 Innocent O [Mod] Twilight Judgment   Can start moving faster after casting skill.
37 Diabla   Bloodlust Free your strength and erupt with demonic energy. Strengthen your body for 10 seconds and become engulfed with the urge to destroy. Free your strength and erupt with demonic energy. Strengthen your body for 20 seconds and become engulfed with the urge to destroy. (PvP: 8 sec.)
38 Diabla   Altar of Evil   Transformation speed will be increased by 82%.
39 Diabla   Thorns of Hell   Skill casting speed will be increased by 50%.
40 Diabla   Abyssal Gate   Can start moving faster after casting skill on the ground.
41 Demonio   Awakened Will: Demonio [Dungeon]
Critical Increase: 15%
Manic Form
– HP Recovery: 0.5% per sec.
– MP Recovery per sec.: +2
Critical Increase: 15%
Manic Form
– HP Recovery: 0.25% per sec.
– MP Recovery per sec.: +1
Critical Increase: 15%
Manic Form
– HP Recovery: 10% per sec.
– MP Recovery per sec.: +20
Critical Increase: 15%
Manic Form
– HP Recovery: 0.2% per sec.
– MP Recovery per sec.: +0.5
42 Demonio   Transcendence   Transformation speed will be increased by 36%.
43 Diangelion O [Mod] Bloodlust Free your strength and erupt with demonic energy. Strengthen your body for 10 seconds and become engulfed with the urge to destroy.
Cannot use when current HP is 25% or lower.
Free your strength and erupt with demonic energy. Strengthen your body for 20 seconds and become engulfed with the urge to destroy. (PvP: 8 sec.)
Cannot use when current HP is 25% or lower.
44 Diangelion O [Mod] Altar of Evil   Transformation speed will be increased by 82%.
45 Diangelion O [Mod] Abyssal Gate   Can start moving faster after casting skill on the ground.
46 Diangelion O [Mod] Dark Plasma   Can start moving faster after casting skill on the ground.
47 Minerva   Enhanced Grenades [Dungeon]
Activate [Fusion] Debuff by using all 3 grenades within 10 seconds of using the first grenade
– Defense Decrease: 100%
– Movement Speed Decrease: 50%
– Action Speed Decrease: 50%
Duration: 6 sec.
– Grenade Skills: G-35L Flash Grenade, G-18C Freezing Grenade, G-96 Pressure Grenade
Grenade Throw
– Special Active cooldown decrease when using all loaded grenades: 20% (Cooldown: 5 sec.)[PvP]
Activate [Fusion] Debuff by using all 3 grenades within 10 seconds of using the first grenade
– Defense Decrease: 25%
– Movement Speed Decrease: 50%
– Action Speed Decrease: 50%
Duration: 3 sec.
– Grenade Skills: G-35L Flash Grenade, G-18C Freezing Grenade, G-96 Pressure Grenade

Grenade Throw
– Special Active cooldown decrease when using all loaded grenades: 20% (Cooldown: 5 sec.)

Grenade Throw cooldown removed.

Activate [Fusion] Debuff by using all 3 grenades within 10 seconds of using the first grenade
– Defense Decrease: 100%
– Movement Speed Decrease: 50%
– Action Speed Decrease: 50%
Duration: 6 sec.
– Grenade Skills: G-35L Flash Grenade, G-18C Freezing Grenade, G-96 Pressure Grenade

Grenade Throw
– Special Active cooldown decrease when using all loaded grenades: 30%

Activate [Fusion] Debuff by using all 3 grenades within 10 seconds of using the first grenade
– Defense Decrease: 25%
– Movement Speed Decrease: 50%
– Action Speed Decrease: 50%
Duration: 3 sec.
– Grenade Skills: G-35L Flash Grenade, G-18C Freezing Grenade, G-96 Pressure Grenade

Grenade Throw
– Special Active cooldown decrease when using all loaded grenades: 30%

48 Ain   Sakrosankt Zertreten   Skill casting speed will be increased by 50%.
49 Arme Thaumaturgy   Bewachsen Feste · Gott Waffe [Dungeon]
Magical Power Release (Physical): 901%
Goddess’s Weapon (Physical): 187% Multi Hit
Magical Power Release (Physical): 291%
Goddess’s Weapon (Physical): 60% Multi Hit
Skill hit box improved.

Traits have changed.
Useful -> Light

Magical Power Release (Physical): 600%
Goddess’s Weapon (Physical): 769% Multi Hit

Magical Power Release (Physical): 193%
Goddess’s Weapon (Physical): 249% Multi Hit

50 Richter O [Mod] Bewachsen Feste · Gott Waffe [Dungeon]
Magical Power Release (Physical): 600%
Goddess’s Weapon (Physical): 187% Multi Hit
Weapon Explosion (Physical): 359%
Magical Power Release (Physical): 193%
Goddess’s Weapon (Physical): 60% Multi Hit
Weapon Explosion (Physical): 115%
Magical Power Release (Physical): 600%
Goddess’s Weapon (Physical): 571% Multi Hit
Weapon Explosion (Physical): 359%
Magical Power Release (Physical): 193%
Goddess’s Weapon (Physical): 183% Multi Hit
Weapon Explosion (Physical): 115%
51 Lofty: Wanderer   Wavering Faith Level 4

2x Gain Activation Chance: 25%
Awakening Duration Increase According to the No. of [Absorption]: 0.3 sec per stack.

[Seed of Chaos]
– Stat Increase per stage: 10% / 20% / 30%

2x Gain Activation Chance: 25%
Awakening Duration Increase According to the No. of [Absorption]: 0.3 sec per stack.

[Seed of Chaos]
– Stat Increase per stage: 10% / 20% / 30%

Level 4

2x Gain Activation Chance: 60%
Awakening Duration Increase According to the No. of [Absorption]: 0.3 sec per stack.

[Seed of Chaos]
– Stat Increase per stage: 10% / 20% / 30%

2x Gain Activation Chance: 24%
Awakening Duration Increase According to the No. of [Absorption]: 0.3 sec per stack.

[Seed of Chaos]
– Stat Increase per stage: 10% / 20% / 30%

52 Lofty: Wanderer   Wechsel [Dungeon]
Conversion (Magical): 699%
[Seed Absorption]
– Physical/Magical Power Increase by stage: 10% / 20% / 30%
– Critical Damage Increase by stage: 5% / 7% / 10%[PvP]
Conversion (Magical): 174%

[Seed Absorption]
– Physical/Magical Power Increase by stage: 10% / 20% / 30%
– Critical Damage Increase by stage: 5% / 7% / 10%

Conversion (Magical): 699%
[Seed Absorption]
– Physical/Magical Power Increase by stage: 10% / 20% / 30%
– Critical Damage Increase by stage: 5% / 7% / 10%[PvP]
Conversion (Magical): 174%

[Seed Absorption]
– Physical/Magical Power Increase by stage: 5% / 10% / 15%
– Critical Damage Increase by stage: 2.5% / 3.5% / 5%

53 Lofty: Wanderer   [Enhanced] Wechsel Final Enhanced Skill
– 25% of consumed Absorption lasts at a 50% chance.
Final Enhanced Skill
– 50% of consumed Absorption lasts at a 100% chance.
54 Eternity Winner   Great Birth [Dungeon]
Amazing Shot (Physical): 4212%
Duration: 40 sec.
Amazing Shot (Physical): 505%
Duration: 20 sec.
Amazing Shot (Physical): 2916%
Duration: 40 sec.
Amazing Shot (Physical): 349%
Duration: 20 sec.
55 Eternity Winner O [Mod] I am Stone [Dungeon]
Damage Reduction: 70%
Damage Reduction Duration: 5 sec.
Damage Reduction: 40%
Damage Reduction Duration: 3 sec.
Damage Reduction: 40%
Damage Reduction Duration: 5 sec.
Damage Reduction: 20%
Damage Reduction Duration: 3 sec.
56 Shining Romantica   Reflection [Need Help, Laby?]
Fire (Magical): 2451%
Light Zone (Magical): 251% Multi Hit
Party Received Damage decrease within the Light Zone: 40%
Fire (Magical): 703%
Light Zone (Magical): 72% Multi Hit
Party Received Damage decrease within the Light Zone: 20%
[Need Help, Laby?]
Fire (Magical): 2451%
Light Zone (Magical): 251% Multi Hit
Party Received Damage decrease within the Light Zone: 30%
Fire (Magical): 703%
Light Zone (Magical): 72% Multi Hit
Party Received Damage decrease within the Light Zone: 15%
57 Nisha Labyrinth O [Mod] Fantasy   Skill casting speed will be increased by 66%.
Can start moving faster after casting skill.
Time stop duration will be decreased by 20%.


แก้ไขการหายไปของเอฟเฟกต์ของ Portal ในด่าน Phantasmal Geyser stage 0-1เมื่อปรับกราฟฟิกเป็นระดับกลางหรือต่ำกว่า


แก้ไขการทับซ้อนเอฟเฟกต์ของ Transcendence slot skill damage เพิ่มขึ้น เมื่อเอฟเฟกต์ Skill รีเซ็ต Cooldown ของ Amethystine Prophecy – Cerulean 4 set effect ทำงานหลังจากใช้ Transcendence slot skill ร่วมกับ Damage ที่เพิ่มขึ้นไปแล้

แก้ไข / ปรับปรุง

[แก้ไข System mail]

เมลระบบทั้งหมดที่อยู่ใน Mailbox จะถูกลบออกในวันที่ 4/11/2020 16.00 .

กรุณาตรวจสอบรายการดังต่อไปนี้ เพื่อรับของรางวัลให้ครบก่อนที่เมลทั้งหมดจะถูกลบ 


    • Market Board Sales Start/End Message
    • New/Returning Attendance Reward
    • เมลที่เกี่ยวข้องกับ Guild Farm
  1. เพิ่มฟีเจอร์ใหม่ใน Free Training ที่จะช่วยให้ท่านสามารถฝึกซ้อมได้ในหลาย ๆ สถานการณ์
    • เพิ่มสภาพแวดล้อมดีบัฟลงใน Free Training
    • ฟังก์ชั่นการฟื้นฟู MP และรีเซ็ต Cooldown จะถูกแยกออกจากกันใน Free Training
    • ก่อนเปลี่ยน: F6 > ฟื้นฟู MP,รีเซ็ต Cooldown
    • หลังเปลี่ยน: F6 > ฟื้นฟุ MP, F8 > รีเซ็ต Cooldown
  2. เมื่อใช้ Title ที่ไม่ถาวรในขณะที่ Title แบบเดียวกันถูกใช้งานอยู่ จะเด้งหน้าต่าง Pop-up แสดงระยะเวลาคงเหลือที่ถูกแก้ไขจากการใช้ไอเทมอันเดิมซ้ำ
  3. เมื่อเหวี่ยง Vestige of Soul จะมองเห็นร่องรอยของอาวุธ
  4. เพิ่มจำนวนเพื่อนสูงสุดเป็น 150
  5. แก้ไขการแสดงผลเอฟเฟกต์ Weapon Enhancement เมื่อ Hyper Acceleration ถูกเปิดใช้งาน
  6. แก้ไขการแสดงผลของ Hyper Acceleration skill/Ventus Elixir ที่ยังคงมองเห็นหลังจากเปลี่ยน Option ในหัวข้อ [Graphic > Effect]


[Elsword] : แจ้งปิดปรับปรุงเซิฟเวอร์ วันพุธที่ 4 พฤศจิกายน 2563  [Elsword] : แจ้งปิดปรับปรุงเซิฟเวอร์ วันพุธที่ 4 พฤศจิกายน 2563  [Elsword] : แจ้งปิดปรับปรุงเซิฟเวอร์ วันพุธที่ 4 พฤศจิกายน 2563

ทีมงาน ELSWORD
วันที่ 4 พฤศจิกายน 2563